fredag den 20. juli 2012


Yep. My best friend  is the best kind of friend. She brought back this for me from USA. And apparently she brought a Justice League t-shirt for me too, but it’s still in USA. I think it will be shipped. 

The Batman mug is hers. She bought a Joker mug for her boyfriend. MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST <3

torsdag den 12. juli 2012

I'm invited~

Guys, I’m basically invited to Jean-Paul and Kyle’s wedding <3
Okay, so basically I’m invited to buy #51 of Astonishing X-Men BUT STILL IT’S SO SWEET.
It’s something one of my friends got for me. 

Here’s the back with the actual text:
“You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of
Jean-Paul “Northstar” Beaubuer
Kyle Jinadu
In Astonishing X-Men #51
At Your Local Comic Shop
On June 20th, 2012” 



I saw it

Can't breathe


Not only is it a very well done origin story (Gwen Stacy was a perfect touch, if I dare call her so) Andrew Garfield is a MAGNICIFENT Peter Paker, he really nails that akward, sweet, insecure teenage boy who doesn't really know how to deal with his new powers.
 Other than that, it's just a really good movie.
That would be for, not only Spidey-fans, but also for people who just wants to enjoy a good movie with action, love and angst.
Seriously, you guys.

If you have not yet, see it. REALLY. It's magnificent. Already one of my favorite movies, and not just because it's a superhero movie.