onsdag den 28. november 2012
torsdag den 18. oktober 2012
ben templesmith,
So.... my boyfriend and I are collecting Prince Batman records. Well, mostly him, since he finds them....and pays for them....and they're in his house. But he likes it when I call them 'our records' so I suppose I am somewhat entitled to them.
This is what we have now. Yes.
This is what we have now. Yes.
just having a good time man,
tim burton,
onsdag den 3. oktober 2012
Our weeb gig
Not only do I play the bass, I have a band to play in.
We had our first gig some time ago. It was at an otaku event. Yes, I know. It was like our past came back to haunt us (a couple of us were the worst weebs you might ever hear about. I mean it. So we're a little 'uurggg.....' BUT IT'S ALRIGHT EHEHE)
ANYWAY here's some pictures because I know you want pictures I know you do:
ANYWAY here's some pictures because I know you want pictures I know you do:
The two guitarists (we ship 'em) playing with my guitar because MY GUITAR IS THE SEXIEST GUITAR EVER.
General setup <3 I felt pretty pro. That is my bass in the middle, before pimpin'.
My bass - now pimpin'
I play the bass. Did you know? No, okay. This is not really a geek-related post. Or.... not comic book related, anyhow. Music geekery is an acceptable sort of geekery, is it not?
ANYWAY LOOK AT THIS FUCKING BABY. That pickguard is so FUNKY. My dad and I picked it out. It was hard finding something that would fit the natural tree color, belive it or not. I also got a new strip <3 It's soooooo comfortable. The old one hurt as fuck.
ANYWAY LOOK AT THIS FUCKING BABY. That pickguard is so FUNKY. My dad and I picked it out. It was hard finding something that would fit the natural tree color, belive it or not. I also got a new strip <3 It's soooooo comfortable. The old one hurt as fuck.
The NO PICS sticker was my dad's touch. It's pretty neat.
tirsdag den 11. september 2012
Got some probags from Homie #1, Søren! So now the last of my important comicbooks are wrapped all prettily~ I didn't wrap the ones from Free comicbook day, because...pfff.
My friend, Sanna, just returned this to me. So I had to wrap it too! NOW I am done.
Reading just a couple of posts back...
...I have realized what a bad
understanding I've had of the continuum of the DC comics. I apologize for
talking about things I did not understand. But hey, we're all learning, right?
I am talking a lot with one of my dear friends (not shit) and he informs me about a lot of comic related things. We exchange points, opinions and facts. It's pretty good.
I am talking a lot with one of my dear friends (not shit) and he informs me about a lot of comic related things. We exchange points, opinions and facts. It's pretty good.
But now, I cannot help but weep for my babies! I can
live with Harley's new outfit, and I might just need to, but I just do not know
what way there could be to fix the Joker by now. Will his face be strapped on
like that forever?

And what about Deadpool (suddenly Marvel) and his healings
factor? Will it ever return? Probably. I mean, it would be out of character to
let him be alive as long as he is not immortal. All Deadpool wants is to die.
And they can't kill the character off. Not because of his fanbase, but because
no comic book character simply stays dead.
I know that I stand in no position to criticize changes
and development of characters way older than me, especially in this case, with
Deadpool. He did not have that healing factor to begin with, as far as I know.

Now Søren's “most characters return to their roots” is as uncomforting as it is, well, comforting.
Now Søren's “most characters return to their roots” is as uncomforting as it is, well, comforting.
Joker and Harley returning to their rots = kewl.
Deadpool returning to his roots = he just did. But I feel that his healings factor is a too fundamental part of his character by now, that you cannot simply take it away. I mean, it’s not really Rob Leifeld’s character anymore….or?
Deadpool returning to his roots = he just did. But I feel that his healings factor is a too fundamental part of his character by now, that you cannot simply take it away. I mean, it’s not really Rob Leifeld’s character anymore….or?
On the other hand...they teared Joker's face off. So
what the fuck do I know anymore?
I know jack. Obviously.
I know jack. Obviously.
I am just going to cry on Søren's knee and eat his
food till I know something again.
dc comics,
harley quinn,
my feels,
new 52,
no healing,
oh god why,
r also I am sobbing,
the joker
fredag den 20. juli 2012
Yep. My best friend is the best kind of friend. She brought back this for me from USA. And apparently she brought a Justice League t-shirt for me too, but it’s still in USA. I think it will be shipped.
The Batman mug is hers. She bought a Joker mug for her boyfriend. MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST <3
torsdag den 12. juli 2012
I'm invited~
Guys, I’m basically invited to Jean-Paul and Kyle’s wedding <3
Okay, so basically I’m invited to buy #51 of Astonishing X-Men BUT STILL IT’S SO SWEET.
It’s something one of my friends got for me.
Okay, so basically I’m invited to buy #51 of Astonishing X-Men BUT STILL IT’S SO SWEET.
It’s something one of my friends got for me.
Here’s the back with the actual text:
“You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of
Jean-Paul “Northstar” Beaubuer
Kyle Jinadu
In Astonishing X-Men #51
At Your Local Comic Shop
On June 20th, 2012”
I saw it
Can't breathe
Not only is it a very well done origin story (Gwen Stacy was a perfect touch, if I dare call her so) Andrew Garfield is a MAGNICIFENT Peter Paker, he really nails that akward, sweet, insecure teenage boy who doesn't really know how to deal with his new powers.
Other than that, it's just a really good movie.
Other than that, it's just a really good movie.
That would be for, not only Spidey-fans, but also for people who just wants to enjoy a good movie with action, love and angst.
Seriously, you guys.
If you have not yet, see it. REALLY. It's magnificent. Already one of my favorite movies, and not just because it's a superhero movie.
Seriously, you guys.
If you have not yet, see it. REALLY. It's magnificent. Already one of my favorite movies, and not just because it's a superhero movie.
personal oppinion,
super hero,
the amazing
søndag den 24. juni 2012
Can't wait - Spidey and Bats
So, it's almost time for some cinematic goods

I have not yet watched the trailer for this one. I have a friend who tells me I should. The trailer should be made by the director himself, is that true? As before mentioned, I allow myself to watch óne trailer for superhero movies, so I should. I've heard it's amazing!
Two movies in one month. Do I have the money for that. Yes. But I am in a summerhouse at both dates. I will figure it out!
The Amazing Spider-Man
July 3th.
I've only watched one trailer, because that's how I roll when it comes to superhero movies. The less I know, the more I'll squirt in the theatre~ Honestly, it looks really neat.
Is was surprised to see that Peter's love itnerest is Gwen Stacy. I actually think it's really cool. Most people I talk to don't know her. Not that I am too familiar with her myself, but I know of her, so I am one of the only persons I know who does not freak about her not being Mary Jane. I think it's a sweet detail! And it will seperate it nicely from the other Spider-Man Movies.
The Dark Knight Rises
July 20th.
Two movies in one month. Do I have the money for that. Yes. But I am in a summerhouse at both dates. I will figure it out!
onsdag den 20. juni 2012
Purchase - The Dark Knight Returns
Hey hey look what I purchased. It was either that, or the New 52 Detective comics #1. Buuuuut it will be there for a while, but this is getting animated right this moment, and I want to have read the legendary Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns before wacthing it.
tirsdag den 5. juni 2012
Now the main suit is done!
Made by one of my dear friends, 'cause I can't sow. Shhh.
Made by one of my dear friends, 'cause I can't sow. Shhh.
I am most photogenic.
So....Allan Scott
I didn't see that comming. Mainly because I do not really know of the character OH EHM GEE DON'T YOU KNOW THE ORIGINAL GREEN LANTERN YOU FAIL NERD yeah yeah I know.
But I am most pleased with this. First of all because I need not fear for too crucial changes of my favorite characters (except for Harley shh) but also just because....because it's great!
ALSO it is June. You remember what happened this month. right?
That's right.

But I am most pleased with this. First of all because I need not fear for too crucial changes of my favorite characters (except for Harley shh) but also just because....because it's great!
ALSO it is June. You remember what happened this month. right?
That's right.

allan scott,
astonishing x-men,
green lantern,
jean-paul original,
teen titans
onsdag den 23. maj 2012
You probably have <3
An iconic character from DC is going to be introduced as gay in the 52. ISN'T IT EXCITING? I wonder who it is. My friend, Søren, thinks that it's going to be Wally West, since he hasn't been introduced after 52 yet. It would kindda make sense. He is always after the girls, yet, he never had a girlfriend. He is overly macho, they often turn out to be gay.

A part of me is like nooooo because I don't want the characters to change. But hey, this isn't the first reboot, characters change (even though I am still not too happy about Wonder Woman's pants...or heroes losing their underpants....or Ivy's spandex...or SQ Harley....uuurgh)
But still! It is kind of exciting. Especially since Northstar is about to be married to Kyle! A good excuse for reading the rest of Astonishing X-Men. I really want to read #51 to experience it! Good for him <3
Next month, people!

Here's the articles I read myself, if you want to know more. I recommend them, it's quite interesting:
An iconic character from DC is going to be introduced as gay in the 52. ISN'T IT EXCITING? I wonder who it is. My friend, Søren, thinks that it's going to be Wally West, since he hasn't been introduced after 52 yet. It would kindda make sense. He is always after the girls, yet, he never had a girlfriend. He is overly macho, they often turn out to be gay.
A part of me is like nooooo because I don't want the characters to change. But hey, this isn't the first reboot, characters change (even though I am still not too happy about Wonder Woman's pants...or heroes losing their underpants....or Ivy's spandex...or SQ Harley....uuurgh)
But still! It is kind of exciting. Especially since Northstar is about to be married to Kyle! A good excuse for reading the rest of Astonishing X-Men. I really want to read #51 to experience it! Good for him <3
Next month, people!
Here's the articles I read myself, if you want to know more. I recommend them, it's quite interesting:
So have you heard?
http://www.bleedingcool.com/2012/05/23/asking-dc-comics-the-gay-question/ (This is REALLY GOOD)
52 reboot,
kyle new,
teen titans,
I never got to make a feely post about the time I watched The Avengers.
This is how it went down:
I was hurrying out of the door, I had painted a Hawkeye mask on my face, it was raining cats and dogs, so I ran and carried un umbrelle. Then I noticed that I had forgotten my money. I ran home and asked my mother to get my money. Before I left I sprayed my fave with a lol-facepaint-stay-the-fuck-on-my-face-even-though-I-am-sweaty-as-fuck-spray and I got it in my eyes and it seared and in my mouth and now I probably have cancer or some shit.
The I ran back, I was late, I was in a really bad mood, I was sweaty and before I left I got a really bad grade on a french paper. And when we got into the cineme, it turned out that Alex had booked the seats on second row. That's right, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING THING.
SO. I was FML'ing. But...when the movie started....I was stunned. All of my problems disappeard. I LOST ALL ABILITY TO CANNN.
I was so high on amazing butts in spandex and comic book jokes. Srly. So. Many. References.
I am not even sure whether it was a GOOD movie or not, I was just high on nerd-gas, really.
It was amazing you guys.
This is how it went down:
I was hurrying out of the door, I had painted a Hawkeye mask on my face, it was raining cats and dogs, so I ran and carried un umbrelle. Then I noticed that I had forgotten my money. I ran home and asked my mother to get my money. Before I left I sprayed my fave with a lol-facepaint-stay-the-fuck-on-my-face-even-though-I-am-sweaty-as-fuck-spray and I got it in my eyes and it seared and in my mouth and now I probably have cancer or some shit.
The I ran back, I was late, I was in a really bad mood, I was sweaty and before I left I got a really bad grade on a french paper. And when we got into the cineme, it turned out that Alex had booked the seats on second row. That's right, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING THING.
SO. I was FML'ing. But...when the movie started....I was stunned. All of my problems disappeard. I LOST ALL ABILITY TO CANNN.
I was so high on amazing butts in spandex and comic book jokes. Srly. So. Many. References.
I am not even sure whether it was a GOOD movie or not, I was just high on nerd-gas, really.
It was amazing you guys.
You guys.
It was amazing.
black whidow,
bruce banne,
cap a,
captain america,
clint barton,
iron man,
natasha romanorff,
r loki,
r the hulk,
steve rogers,
the avengers,
tony stark
onsdag den 11. april 2012
Remember the fight bewteen Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul in Star Wars episode I?
Remember the theme that played during their fight?
Well, it's called Duel of the Fates.
Someone from my class suggested that we should play it for the spring concert at my school tomorrow, and guess what? It ended up as one of our songs.
He found the sheets on the library, then all of us wind instruments had to transpose it into our key (I didn't get to do it all, but I play in the same key as the tenorsaxes, so I just look at their sheet when I run out of notes lol) except for the trumpet, she borrowed a trompet tuned in c, so she wouldn't have to transpose anything. Therefore, she is pretty much out guide. She is the only one looking in the original sheets.
Honestly, it's a challenge. Not as much playing it, as it is us screwing up in our sheets so we don't know when to play (we don't look in the original sheets, only what we've transposed. That's stupid yes.)
-I play the clarinet, by the way.
Anyway, just so excited that I actually get to play a Star Wars song with a whole band in front of poeple!
Remember the theme that played during their fight?
Well, it's called Duel of the Fates.
Someone from my class suggested that we should play it for the spring concert at my school tomorrow, and guess what? It ended up as one of our songs.
He found the sheets on the library, then all of us wind instruments had to transpose it into our key (I didn't get to do it all, but I play in the same key as the tenorsaxes, so I just look at their sheet when I run out of notes lol) except for the trumpet, she borrowed a trompet tuned in c, so she wouldn't have to transpose anything. Therefore, she is pretty much out guide. She is the only one looking in the original sheets.
Honestly, it's a challenge. Not as much playing it, as it is us screwing up in our sheets so we don't know when to play (we don't look in the original sheets, only what we've transposed. That's stupid yes.)
-I play the clarinet, by the way.
Anyway, just so excited that I actually get to play a Star Wars song with a whole band in front of poeple!
lørdag den 7. april 2012
[Yong Justice episode 13] - Joker reaction
So, I just watched episode 13 of YUNGU JUSUTISU (japanese accent by the way. Couldn't tell? Well fuck you then.)
The Joker appeared! And honestly, it got me excited. (I was excited to see Ivy too, but not as much.) And instantly I couldn't wait to hear his voice. And so I did. And honestly;
I had expected all of the newer Jokers to take inspiration from Mark Hamill, but let me tell you why I was wrong.
First of all, it's just the reality I want, because I'm a huge Mark Hamill-fag (B:TAS contains my favorite Joker ever) and in The Batman, Kevin Micheal Richardson was obvilously trying to get the same feel as Mark Hamill, which he did great, by the way. And The Joker in Arkham Asylum/City, got crazy popular, so I guess I kindda expected all Jokers after that to be..well, like that!
But I forgot to consider Batman: The Brave and the bold. They tried to bring some of the old Batman elements back. I did a little Joker-voice-reaserch and it occurred to me that, not only did they make Joker's character design more retro, but also his voice.
AAAANNNND the voice of The Joker is actually pretty similar to the one in The Brave and the Bold. So I thought: "They tried to bring back some retro elements, why shouldn't Young Justice?" This concerns The Joker mostly, even tho, of course, I am not sure if that was what they were going for, so I'm kindda just guessing.
But they DID include Jay Barrick, so maybe they are trying to bring back some good ol' school DC.
Okay, I'm really just fooling around now, lol.
Legends of the Dark Knight - 1950 Batman The Brave and the Bold - 2008
Micheal McKeen Jeff Bennet
This is a very extreme examble, not all Jokers looked like that until 1992.
My point is that I just can't get enough of that Jedi, and I want every Joker to be like him. I should might as well give up, since no one can do it like him, and he won't be doing it again. And, to be completly honest, a lot of good Jokers sounds unlike Hamill, like the one from The Red Hood. Oh well, every Joker has his own voice and brings a new persona with it, and that's okay, it wouldn't be fun otherwise.
There is ONE THING tho..
What is up with those side-burns?
The Joker appeared! And honestly, it got me excited. (I was excited to see Ivy too, but not as much.) And instantly I couldn't wait to hear his voice. And so I did. And honestly;
I had expected all of the newer Jokers to take inspiration from Mark Hamill, but let me tell you why I was wrong.
First of all, it's just the reality I want, because I'm a huge Mark Hamill-fag (B:TAS contains my favorite Joker ever) and in The Batman, Kevin Micheal Richardson was obvilously trying to get the same feel as Mark Hamill, which he did great, by the way. And The Joker in Arkham Asylum/City, got crazy popular, so I guess I kindda expected all Jokers after that to be..well, like that!
But I forgot to consider Batman: The Brave and the bold. They tried to bring some of the old Batman elements back. I did a little Joker-voice-reaserch and it occurred to me that, not only did they make Joker's character design more retro, but also his voice.
AAAANNNND the voice of The Joker is actually pretty similar to the one in The Brave and the Bold. So I thought: "They tried to bring back some retro elements, why shouldn't Young Justice?" This concerns The Joker mostly, even tho, of course, I am not sure if that was what they were going for, so I'm kindda just guessing.
But they DID include Jay Barrick, so maybe they are trying to bring back some good ol' school DC.
Okay, I'm really just fooling around now, lol.
Legends of the Dark Knight - 1950 Batman The Brave and the Bold - 2008
Micheal McKeen Jeff Bennet
This is a very extreme examble, not all Jokers looked like that until 1992.
My point is that I just can't get enough of that Jedi, and I want every Joker to be like him. I should might as well give up, since no one can do it like him, and he won't be doing it again. And, to be completly honest, a lot of good Jokers sounds unlike Hamill, like the one from The Red Hood. Oh well, every Joker has his own voice and brings a new persona with it, and that's okay, it wouldn't be fun otherwise.
There is ONE THING tho..
What is up with those side-burns?
tirsdag den 3. april 2012
My last blog got suspended or sum' shit.
This is my new blog. I'm going to start out by showing some progress in my Harley Quinn cosplay:
Jackass t-shirt suits it, huh?
It has a top part too, now, and it makes me look less chubby. (Denial? Pfff...pf.pfff....Maybe.)
It's made of spandex, and man, I never expected spandex to be so danm comfortable.
*coug* Anyway.
I also bought a mask. A motherfucking latex mask, bitches!
Yes, I actually paid about 65$ for this mask, adhesive and glue remover. (and porto, of course.)
It's difficult to place it correctly on my face, since the glue sticks to my face, like, INSTANTLY, but I didn't want a mask with a string, because that would be incorrect according to her actual desing, and painting it on almost NEVER looks good. SO I did what I had to do, and cought up the money for a high quality mask. I REGRET NOTHINGGGG.
It doesn't cover my eyebrows. I don't even...
Some sportstape and white paint will suffice, I belive.
This is my new blog. I'm going to start out by showing some progress in my Harley Quinn cosplay:
It has a top part too, now, and it makes me look less chubby. (Denial? Pfff...pf.pfff....Maybe.)
It's made of spandex, and man, I never expected spandex to be so danm comfortable.
*coug* Anyway.
I also bought a mask. A motherfucking latex mask, bitches!
Yes, I actually paid about 65$ for this mask, adhesive and glue remover. (and porto, of course.)
It's difficult to place it correctly on my face, since the glue sticks to my face, like, INSTANTLY, but I didn't want a mask with a string, because that would be incorrect according to her actual desing, and painting it on almost NEVER looks good. SO I did what I had to do, and cought up the money for a high quality mask. I REGRET NOTHINGGGG.
It doesn't cover my eyebrows. I don't even...
Some sportstape and white paint will suffice, I belive.
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