tirsdag den 3. april 2012


My last blog got suspended or sum' shit.
This is my new blog. I'm going to start out by showing some progress in my Harley Quinn cosplay:

Jackass t-shirt suits it, huh?
It has a top part too, now, and it makes me look less chubby. (Denial? Pfff...pf.pfff....Maybe.)
It's made of spandex, and man, I never expected spandex to be so danm comfortable.
*coug* Anyway.

I also bought a mask. A motherfucking latex mask, bitches!
Yes, I actually paid about 65$ for this mask, adhesive and glue remover. (and porto, of course.)
It's difficult to place it correctly on my face, since the glue sticks to my face, like, INSTANTLY, but I didn't want a mask with a string, because that would be incorrect according to her actual desing, and painting it on almost NEVER looks good. SO I did what I had to do, and cought up the money for a high quality mask. I REGRET NOTHINGGGG.
It doesn't cover my eyebrows. I don't even...
Some sportstape and white paint will suffice, I belive.


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