søndag den 24. juni 2012

Can't wait - Spidey and Bats

So, it's almost time for some cinematic goods

The Amazing Spider-Man

July 3th.


I've only watched one trailer, because that's how I roll when it comes to superhero movies. The less I know, the more I'll squirt in the theatre~ Honestly, it looks really neat.
Is was surprised to see that Peter's love itnerest is Gwen Stacy. I actually think it's really cool. Most people I talk to don't know her. Not that I am too familiar with her myself, but I know of her, so I am one of the only persons I know who does not freak about her not being Mary Jane. I think it's a sweet detail! And it will seperate it nicely from the other Spider-Man Movies.

Emma Stone Stars as Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man 

The Dark Knight Rises

July 20th.

I have not yet watched the trailer for this one. I have a friend who tells me I should. The trailer should be made by the director himself, is that true? As before mentioned, I allow myself to watch óne trailer for superhero movies, so I should. I've heard it's amazing!

Two movies in one month. Do I have the money for that. Yes. But I am in a summerhouse at both dates. I will figure it out!

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Purchase - The Dark Knight Returns

Hey hey look what I purchased. It was either that, or the New 52 Detective comics #1. Buuuuut it will be there for a while, but this is getting animated right this moment, and I want to have read the legendary Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns before wacthing it.


tirsdag den 5. juni 2012


Now the main suit is done!
Made by one of my dear friends, 'cause I can't sow. Shhh.

I am most photogenic.

So....Allan Scott

I didn't see that comming. Mainly because I do not really know of the character OH EHM GEE DON'T YOU KNOW THE ORIGINAL GREEN LANTERN YOU FAIL NERD yeah yeah I know.

But I am most pleased with this. First of all because I need not fear for too crucial changes of my favorite characters (except for Harley shh) but also just because....because it's great!


ALSO it is June. You remember what happened this month. right?

That's right.

